Thursday, June 25, 2009


I am finally learning how to put pictures on here. I just picked some pictures of my family to show how we look. So here is what I have found.

Now that I know how to post picture's I will now post a lot more pictures. Thanks Natasha and Mom!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Okay I have got to get with the program!

Come on get with it! Okay I have had a blog for awhile now, with no picture's. I have got to put picture's on. When someone is talking about an event, I would love to see a lot of picture's. I talk about a lot of things and don't put picture's on. I need to get with my mom or sister and put some picture's on. I would love for everyone to see all that my family has done. What's new with the McCurdy family? Well Casey is still working and mowing lawns and just finished the room down in our basement. It looks so awesome! He did an awesome job! For me, I'm still a stay at home mom, cooking and cleaning and coaching cheerleading. You know the mom things we do best! Trysten is being a terror! He keeps us on our toes! Today, Baylee was standing up against the bath tub and he pulled her in. Then the other night he took the dish soap and sprayed at all over him and the carpet. Good thing we are changing this carpet. But for the most part he is 3 and growing fast and strong. Baylee, is now 9 months, she is crawling everywhere and standing up every chance she gets. The newest things she does that is so cute is, when I tell her to blow kisses I show her and she makes a fish face and makes the kisses sounds it is so cute! Well I hope everyone is enjoying this nice spring showers! NOT!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not, I want blue sky shining at me and warm weather with no wind! I'm wishing. Well hope everyone has an awesome weekend!